Age 8
Diana Rojas-Feile (Switzerland)
Austrian Premiere
80 min
During the performance stroboscopic effects will be used
Regie & Text: Diana Rojas-Feile
Dramaturgy: Elisa Elwert
Music Composition & Sound Design: Victor Moser
Space Concept, Costumes & Light: Theres Indermaur
Sound Engineering: Joël Fonsegrive
Amazonas music: Ibã Huni Kuin, Marco Scarassatti
Production Management: Kathrin Linder
With: Victor Moser, Diana Rojas-Feile
In co-production with Fabriktheater der Roten Fabrik Zürich, Theater Chur and with the support of Fundaziun Nairs
With the kind support of the City of Zurich, Kanton Zürich, Pro Helvetia, Kanton Graubünden, SRKS & Swissperform, Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, GGKZ, Migros Genossenschaft
--->>>Click here for the trailer
Landestheater Linz, Schauspielhaus:
17.06 11:00
18.06 18:00