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© Arno Declair

In this play a surveillance state is controlling the healthy lifestyle of its citizens and punishes those who freely make their own decisions. The original novel by Juli Zeh is can be no longer considered a dystopia. The exemplary protagonist Mia Holt surprisingly turns into an ardent resistance fighter and the denounces the system as one not worth living in. At first, the audience immerses itself into the world of the characters and in the follow-up discussion it is talked about of how much security and reason is suitable for a society.

Age 15

Junges DT (Germany)

55 min

With: Maximilian Diehle(KRAMER), Laura Eichten (MIA HOLL)
In the video: Paul Grill, Caner Sunar, Niklas Wetzel, Regine Zimmermann
Direction and video: Robert Lehniger Set design Linda Spörl
Dramaturgy: Lasse Scheiba
Theater pedagogy: Maura Meyer, Simon Gal
Control room: Yoav Pasovsky
Assistant director: Nelly Gypkens

OÖ Kulturquartier, Ursulinensaal:
18.06 19:00
19.06 17:00
19.06 19:00
