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From the stage into your ear

Radio FRECH (Fadinger Radio Education Cooperation Hof) is a long-standing partner that has been with us since the first festival. The school radio station of the BRG Fadingerstraße celebrated its 25th birthday last October! With a quarter of a century of experience and ever-young curiosity, the cheeky radio station is an ideal partner for a theatre festival for young audiences. 

In the run-up to the festival, the young radio makers introduced and interviewed people from the SCHÄXPIR team in three SchäxpirOnAir episodes. However, the podcasts are not the only way to gain exclusive insights into the festival. The interviewers will be out and about throughout the festival period, soaking up the atmosphere and providing their listeners with insights into their experiences at the SCHÄXPIR theatre festival for young audiences.

You can listen to it in GERMAN: Fridays from 4-5pm on Radio FRO and of course  online.

Click here for the first episode